In business, economic efficiency is important. When you buy a reseller hosting plan, how much space you really use? Less than 50% normally. Let’s understand it. Space utilization in reseller hosting: Normally the size of a small website use to be 200-500 MB, Medium size website use to be 500Mb-1GB, and large websites use to be […]
Tag: The HostMe
Now Earn With Us – Launching Affiliate Program
We are excited to launch the affiliate program. Now don’t just be our customer, be our business partner and earn with us. Here are the details of our affiliate program. What is the affiliate program? With our affiliate program, you will get a custom affiliate URL. You have to share that URL with anyone who […]
Website Won’t Stop Even if Your Data or Monthly Bandwidth is Exhausted – Introducing Overage Billing
Internet traffic is unpredictable. What if due to increased internet traffic your website exhausts all the allowed monthly bandwidth before the end of the month. Or due to high Email volume, you cross the allowed web space. Due to this, a small downtime for your website may impact its reputation badly. But with The HostMe […]
Don’t have domain? No issue…Host on our subdomain!
Want to host a website but don’t have a domain! Well, we got a solution for you. Now you can host your website on our subdomain. Let’s see how? What is a subdomain? A subdomain basically derives its website address from the parent domain. Let’s say you want to host a website “”, but you […]
Shared Hosting vs. Dedicated Hosting: Which is Best Option
When you are ready to launch your new website, you are faced with many options about web hosting. What is shared hosting? What is dedicated hosting? Which one is right for you? How can you choose the plan that’s right for your budget? Though shared and dedicated hosting serve the same purpose, there are some significant […]